Janine Gaëlle Dieudji

Cameroon, Italy

Janine is a multilocal curator and cultural professional with over a decade of experience in the art world. She has contributed to publications such as the Phaidon art books African Artists: From 1882 to Now and Vitamin C+, Collage in Contemporary Art. Co-founder of The Recovery Plan (Florence, Italy) and former director of exhibitions at MACAAL (Marrakech, Morocco), Janine works on curatorial projects pertaining to contemporary African art and artists, museums, and intercultural exchange. In 2023, she joined the team at the Smithsonian National Museum of African Art (Washington DC,USA), where she continues to expand her curatorial practice.

Work from this contributor


The Kaleidoscope of Black Life (I)The Kaleidoscope of Black Life (I)

Seven artists deftly deploy diverse materials and techniques—bamboo, archival research and projection, painting, pen work and photography, and collage, digital manipulation, and installation—in their explorations of urban Black life, womanhood, personal and collective memory, and identity.

By Janine Gaëlle Dieudji, (T)Sedey Gebreyes, and Liz Ikiriko

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