A photo of Liz Ikiriko. Liz is a light skinned

Liz Ikiriko

Nigeria, Canada

Liz Ikiriko is a Tkaronto/Toronto-based, Nigerian Canadian artist and curator, whose practice is informed by being an educator, maker and mother. Through collaboration and research, she supports and creates embodied experiences to facilitate moments of vulnerability and care for her communities. Her projects and curiosities engage, question and confront internalized systems of oppression.

Liz is the inaugural Curator, Collections and Art in Public Spaces at The Art Museum at the University of Toronto. She has over 15 years of experience working with national institutions and museums and has curated major exhibitions, most recently as a member of the curatorial committee of Bamako Encounters African Biennial of Photography in Mali, West Africa. 

Liz received her MFA in Criticism and Curatorial Practice from OCAD University and has taught at Toronto Metropolitan University and Sheridan College. She has published curatorial and critical writings internationally with Aperture, Public Journal, C Magazine and Blackflash; held appointments on several gallery, institutional, and publication Advisory Boards; and has received funding from municipal, provincial, and national arts funding bodies. She is co-founder alongside Toleen Touq, of wave~form~projects curatorial collective.

Work from this contributor


The Kaleidoscope of Black Life (I)The Kaleidoscope of Black Life (I)

Seven artists deftly deploy diverse materials and techniques—bamboo, archival research and projection, painting, pen work and photography, and collage, digital manipulation, and installation—in their explorations of urban Black life, womanhood, personal and collective memory, and identity.

By Janine Gaëlle Dieudji, (T)Sedey Gebreyes, and Liz Ikiriko

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