Siviwe James
South Africa
Siviwe is a researcher, arts practitioner, and everyday archivist. Her work includes soundscapes and visual (re)imaginaries that seek to insert fragments of time in the voids of history, creating (k)new imaginaries as landscapes of knowledge. By layering personal and public audio-visual archival materials with everyday interviews, Siviwe’s works act as conduits for recollection and (re)membering.
Siviwe has presented her work at academic conferences and public events. Her latest work, UN/FOLDING_RE/FOLDING_FOLDED: Imiphindo kwaXhosa (2023), which is available on Spotify and Apple Podcasts, is a curious polyvocal sonic intervention that explores dress sensibilities in lifeworlds of Xhosa people. Siviwe is also published as part of the African Fashion Research Institute Collective in the violence and materiality issue of PARSE Journal.