Photo of Sean Jacobs. Sean's skin is medium brown, and he has close cropped salt and pepper hair and a similar beard.

Sean Jacobs

South Africa, United States of America

Sean Jacobs is on the tenured faculty of The New School in New York City and serves on the Board of the Atlantic Fellows for Racial Equity. He founded and publishes Africa Is a Country, and writes a weekly substack called Eleven Named People. Sean is the author of Media in Postapartheid South Africa: Postcolonial Politics in the Age of Globalization (2019).

Work from this contributor


Bridging Black Worlds: South Africa and the United StatesBridging Black Worlds: South Africa and the United States

This issue of Moya considers the long history of connections, exchanges, and solidarities between Black people in the United States and South Africa, writes guest editor Sean Jacobs. Released on the eve of South Africa’s seventh democratic elections in a year that Americans also go to the polls, the issue asks: what is required to strengthen and sustain transnational solidarity across and between Black worlds? Why do we need this solidarity, and what forms will it take? The issue also explores how historical exchanges between Black people in the US and South Africa were valuable and complicated, and how they manifest now.

By Sean Jacobs

South Africa, United States of America

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