Nigel Richard

United States of America, South Africa

Nigel is host of Season 3 of Race Beyond Borders.

He is also senior programme director and facilitator at AFRE. In that capacity, Nigel leads AFRE’s leadership development interventions to support global racial justice leaders, including coaching and project development. He also co-facilitates fellowship sessions, including virtual and immersive retreats.

Prior to joining AFRE, Nigel was managing director at the Global Teachers Institute, where he led the development of several multi-stakeholder collaborations and initiatives. In his spare time, Nigel can be found outside somewhere looking for interesting people, places and inspiring spaces.


Race Beyond Borders

Wildcards: Racial Elimination and Racial ReassignmentWildcards: Racial Elimination and Racial Reassignment

On our season finale we examine “wildcards”, a term among futurists for seemingly improbable events that, if they were to happen, would set the trajectory for the future. The episode features two of such possibilities: the elimination of race and of widespread racial reassignment, deconstructed by assistant professor of English at the State University of New York in Oneonta Sheena Mason, and writer Jess Row.

Race Beyond Borders

The Rhythm of RaceThe Rhythm of Race

Post-humanist thinker, philosopher and poet Bayo Akomolafe, reflects on the ways in which Blackness can be trapped in the rhythmic call and response with whiteness, and explores ways of reimagining Black experiences.

Race Beyond Borders

Young AfricaYoung Africa

"I find that listening to young people is like listening to the future,” Nigel says setting up this episode of Race Beyond Borders, which features the perspectives on the futures of race from young African people.

Race Beyond Borders

Mixed FeelingsMixed Feelings

Remi Adekoya, author of Biracial Britain, breaks down demographic trends, and corresponding shifts in the way Blackness is lived and expressed in the United Kingdom.

Race Beyond Borders

Masquerading Blackness OnlineMasquerading Blackness Online

Author and journalist Morgan Jerkins breaks down the construction of Black identity on the internet drawing on her work investigating the ways in which Blackness can be co-opted online.

Race Beyond Borders

The Myth-Science of BlacknessThe Myth-Science of Blackness

London-based Zimbabwean new media artist Kumbirai Makumbe talks Black quantum futures, the multiplicity of Black experiences and how the digital sphere provides new territory on which to map the multiverse of Blackness, beyond the boundaries of Afrofuturism. 

Race Beyond Borders

The Future of BlacknessThe Future of Blackness

Nigel Richard, host of season 3 of Race Beyond Borders, talks with Black futurists Geci Karuri-Sebina and Rasheedah Phillips about the practice of futures thinking.

Race Beyond Borders

Proximal Blackness: Race Beyond Borders Season 2 FinaleProximal Blackness: Race Beyond Borders Season 2 Finale

In the Season 2 finale of Race Beyond Borders, outgoing host Sebabatso Manoeli-Lesame and incoming host Nigel Richard reflect on some of the critical questions raised this season. This lively conversation, which at times feels like a dance, invites listeners to look back on the season’s sonic safari that was launched in Italy, where Black Italians grapple with what to call themselves, and landed in Oceania, where liberation struggles actively engaged with Black internationalism in their battles against European colonial rule.

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